~Tactical Advice from Valkyrie Clan~

(!!!) Admiral’s Note (!!!)- The following advice is a collection of information gathered over multiple years of competitive Halo playing. The desired results of applying this information in game is unmatched strategy; designated to give you every advantage possible.

-(Article 1, Sec. 1) Opponent Prediction-

If you already know how your opponent plays, then it will be easier for you to decide where the battle will be and when to catch your enemy off guard or in a weak state. When you begin a game, try to identify your opponent’s playing style (and their bad habits you can use to your advantage) within the start of the the match. Learn where your enemy likes to travel, camp, or find out their favorite choke-point. After you figure this out, you can predict their movements and drop them with a greater knowledge of certainty.

-(Article 1, Sec. 2) Stay Unpredictable-

Switch up your playing style often, you don’t want to become predictable. You can run different routes and act more passive or aggressive in select situations. Leave your opponent guessing at your every move.

-(Article 1, Sec. 3) Exercising Patience and Practice-

Every match for you should benefit you in some way, try to learn something new after every victory or defeat. Your patience may make your opponent restless and more aggressive, putting them in a bad position. If you want to get better, you need to invest a lot of time and practice into your game. Spend some time recording and saving your best or worst games in the Theater for you to skim over later, try to see where your strengths and weaknesses lay. Mimic what other players are doing if it’s working well too, you can adapt to their strategy and make it benefit yourself.

-(Article 1, Sec. 4) Don’t Lose Focus-

When playing competitively, it’s easy to lose focus when you’re losing or get sidetracked. Complaining to your team instead of calling out enemy locations is doing nothing but making you lose the game faster. If you can train yourself to control less-desirable emotions, you won’t only improve individually, but also in team games.

-(Article 1, Sec. 5) Have The Right Mindset-

A wise man once said: “Defeat is a state of mind, nobody has ever been defeated until defeat has been accepted as a reality.” If you see yourself as a loser, you won’t play like a winner. Try to see the bright side of a seemingly bad situation- stay optimistic!

-(Article 1, Sec. 6) Get The Home Field Advantage-

Before jumping into any online game, make sure you are familiar with the map’s initial spawn point and respawn layout, power weapon spawns, personal favorite camping locations and choke-points. You need to know where every hot spot is in any map, any game mode- this will help you give and get help from your team. Familiarize yourself with the structures and landmarks (callouts) on the map. Try to find some sneaky routes that will help you move around the map quicker and confuse your opponent.

-(Article 1, Sec. 7) Don’t Get Greedy-

Try to not hog all of the power weapons, leave a few for your team to use. Always have the right weapons on you to make every encounter be in your favor. Typically, the team that controls the power weapons throughout the game and uses them wisely is the eventual winner.